Getting Started with Carbon Saver

We will guide you and help you get your first project off to a good start.

What is the Bat'Impact®?

Find out how the Bat'Impact® score is calculated with examples of calculations and weightings applied.

Login to your Carbon Saver User Area

In this article you will find all the information to create your account on the Carbon Saver application, log in or recover your password.

Testing a project with Carbon Saver

To obtain the Bat'impact® environmental score for your interior design project and improve your eco-design practices with tailored advice, it's very simple. You just have to create a new project on the Carbon Saver mobile site, define what it is composed of and answer the customized questionnaire. At the end of the questionnaire you will get a detailed report of your project.

Answer questions about your project

You are starting the test, you are entering the heart of the matter! To help you answer the questions, you can bring along your plans, work estimates or supply lists. The Bat'impact® questionnaire is "customized", meaning that it contains only questions related to the project you have previously configured.

End of the questionnaire

Congratulations, you have completed the Bat Impact® test for your project. Congratulations! The test is over and your environmental score appears. You will be able to access your eco-design improvement paths.

View the detailed report

Find the detailed report of your project on your user space, it contains : - The global Bat'impact® score of your project - Customized and easy to implement eco-design advice. - Scores by field of intervention - All the answers to the test questions.

Consultation of the focus sheets

The focus sheet guides you towards the good practices of eco-design. Explore all the possible fields to go further in your eco-design project.

Switching between "Step by Step" and "Input" modes

Learn how to switch between the different input modes available in the application: - Step by step mode: I answer the questions one after the other - Input mode: I edit my project directly from the detailed report

Editing from the detailed report or "Input mode

Use the input mode and go straight to the point by manually selecting the elements or themes to be filled in.

Can't find the right answer?

Go to our contact page and get in touch with us. Our support team is ready to help you